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Our Blog
The Internet and social media in particular have made it easy to share more of our personal lives with our friends. But, it’s also become easier to share with people we don’t even know. Online privacy isn’t just about protecting your personal information — name, address and birthdate — to help prevent identity theft. It’s […]
January 24, 2017
No matter how safe you are behind the wheel, you’ve probably done things like: Shift into drive while the car is still rolling backward. Ride the brakes on steep hills. Roll into the gas station on empty. Guilty? If so, you may not have even realized you were doing everything wrong. After all, most everybody […]
January 4, 2017
You’ve heard all the talk about driverless cars. Yet we’re still years away from living in a world where you can just tell your car where to go, kick back and relax with a book or your phone. Even still, technology already plays a big role in the way we drive. Nowhere is that more […]
December 19, 2016
Technology has made home alarms of all kinds — from security to smoke, radon to radiation — more accessible than ever. Many of them can be configured to work together, and some even alert you to trouble through your phone or other mobile device, so you can feel confident even when you’re out of the […]
December 1, 2016
It seems like a no-brainer to leave the lights on outside your home to deter burglars while you’re away (or even while you’re asleep). But, does that really work? Or, is it just a waste of electricity — particularly this time of year, when the days keep getting shorter and shorter? Those answers can differ […]
November 17, 2016
So, you’re not a year-round RV-er, or, at least not yet. (One can dream!) Which means another RV season is coming to a close. With cool fall and winter weather on the way, now is the time to make sure your rig will be ready when spring returns and you can hit the road again. […]
November 4, 2016
It seems everyone these days has a smartphone. Or, a smart TV, a tablet or an ebook reader. Or, all of the above – and more. When you add it all up, you may find you have thousands and thousands of dollars tied up in technology. It’s a significant investment, and one your homeowners insurance […]
October 14, 2016
Apartment living can have many advantages: low maintenance, close to work and entertainment, and ease of changing residence. But, if you’re a dog owner, apartment living can present some difficulties. You probably won’t have your own yard for him to play in, and your inside space may be somewhat compact. However, with enough exercise, stimulation […]
September 28, 2016
Most people would say their car is one of the most valuable assets they own – if not the most valuable. Despite that, however, some people make it downright easy for thieves to drive off in their pride and joy. We don’t want you walking out your door to an empty driveway or leaving the […]
September 25, 2016
For decades, solar panels have been going up on roofs across America, meaning that nowadays a roof can help protect you from the elements and help insulate you from rising electric costs. For some, the environmental benefit of renewable energy is an added draw, as is the potential to sell excess power back to the […]
September 25, 2016